Free Adsense Calculator Tool

Estimate Your AdSense Earnings with Our Free Calculator

Adsense is an ad program and part of a google service because google runs its own ad system which is known as google adsense, so our google adsense calculator is a free tool that can be used to calculate the revenue (potential earning) for a website or a blog portal, Adsense offer to display their ads on the website or blog (its a kind of renting space system) and earning money through clicks on those ads, our AdSense Calculator calculates few factors such as website traffic, click-through rate (known as CTR), and the cost-per-click (known as CPC) of the advertisements to estimate the potential revenue that a website can earn, however, make a note that This AdSense Calculator is just giving a rough idea for potential earning through a website or blogs but actual earnings may be higher or lower based on multiple factors such as overall website traffic, advertiser demand, and involved competition. So our tool is just giving a rough idea to the user for understanding their earning potential but it doesn't promise guaranteed earnings, all you need to do is just input required details such as page impressions (Number of Clicks), CTR (in %) and CPC, our tool will do the rest.